Feel Burning Sensation In the Mouth? Consult With Your Best Dentist

Feel Burning Sensation In the Mouth? Consult With Your Best Dentist


A burning or tingling sensation in the inner surface of your mouth is known as mouth sores. Like all other dental issues, this also affects your oral health. When you have sores it will be difficult to eat, drink, swallow, talk, or even breathe.

Normally this condition can be cured within one week naturally. But in case, you have mouth sores for more than one week, you definitely need to consult with your dentist in Siliguri. Medically mouth sores are also known as canker sores which are not contagious.

What Can Cause Mouth Sores?

There are different reasons that involve while you’ve mouth sores such as:

  • Bite your tongue
  • Bite your cheek
  • Bite your lip
  • Burn your mouth
  • Sharp irritation or dentures
  • Brushing too hard
  • Using a very firm toothbrush
  • Chew tobacco
  • Herpes simplex virus

Minor sores are going away within 10 days naturally but sometimes last up to more than 3 or 4 weeks. Simple home remedies often reduce the pain and speed up dental healing.

There are no specific ways to prevent mouth sores but get in touch with your dentist will give you an advance protection kit that possibly gives your dental health complete safeguard protection to further get affected from any uncertain oral issues.

How To Take Prevention?

Maintain these following tips might help you to get rid of mouth sores in a quick format such as:

  • Try limiting hot foods and drinks
  • Always chew nicely and slowly
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to maintain dental hygiene
  • Try to decrease stress as possible
  • Take a healthy balanced diet
  • Try avoiding totally hot and spicy foods
  • Take necessary vitamin B and C supplements as per your body needs
  • Drink more water and avoid dehydration
  • It’s better if you quit smoking and using tobacco
  • Try avoiding alcohol consumption
  • Always use lip balm to give sun protection
  • Consult your dentist if you feel any dental irritation

 Be careful when you have mouth sores, as it can often lead to oral cancer format too. Don’t wait to overcome the mouth sores naturally as if the disease exists in your mouth will grow gradually and affect the overall health.

Any oral problem must be treated within the first symptom or at an early stage. Those who have a tendency to check back or visit their dentist later can welcome damage to their condition in a more critical manner.

Become lazy, many people using the ‘later’ mantra when they have a serious oral problem. This later will give them a serious later oral problem they would even expect. To avoid any sort of pain and infection, don’t be late and allow your mouth problem to become severe.

Visit your nearby dental clinic in Siliguri and get immediate treatment for your mouth sores. Apart from that maintain good oral hygiene that helps to improve your oral issues gradually.

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