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Do Your Teeth Change Color? Visit Your Dentist For Teeth Whitening

We all know that brushing and flossing every day can make our teeth bright, white, and healthy. But we often neglect our teeth and take this lightly and as a result, oral infections appear. Any negligence can even discolor your teeth; therefore, taking care is very necessary for your oral health.

But sometimes not only brushing and flossing will help you to overcome discoloring issues but bleaching can. Bleaching is a teeth whitening process that can be used by your dentist when you visit a reputed dental clinic in Siliguri for your dental health.

There is a myth that only pain, and infections, or damage can have an overall impact on your teeth but many people ignore tooth yellowing or discoloring and it gradually damage your teeth. Consult with your dentist to get rid of this situation and breathe a healthy smile with confidence.

What Are The Reasons For Tooth Discoloring?

Do you ever try to figure out why tooth discoloring happens to you? Here are the lists that are involved in your tooth discoloring:

  • Sugary foods
  • Spicy foods
  • Sugar drinks
  • Tobacco use
  • Health Disease
  • Medications
  • Aging
  • Trauma
  • Genetics
  • Environment
  • Poor dental hygiene

Chromogens that attach to the outer part of your tooth enamel are going to change their color when you consume tea, coffee, wine, and alcohol. These are some major culprits that are well enough to damage your teeth.

Dentin which is a softer area of the white outer shell of your teeth enamel gets thinner with brushing and as a result, the yellowish color will activate as you grow older. If you have a high-packed busy schedule of your daily life, therefore, make a habit of visiting a dentist once every year for checking oral health conditions.

Tooth discolor is very common for those who are tobacco users and may get suffer from tooth pain and other oral health issues. The two poisoning chemicals such as tar and nicotine are well enough to turn your natural white tooth into a yellowish one. To overcome seriously, you have to quit this permanently from your life.

In the case, of tooth darkening, internal physical health might be responsible such as an injury or other health conditions. Using too much smoking can have a darkening spot that can be seen from the root level of your tooth, and no surprise it can also lead to mouth or oral cancer.

Things You Should Avoid To Getting Affect Tooth Discoloration

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Soda
  • Red and white wine
  • Grape juice
  • Cranberry juice
  • Blueberries
  • Beets
  • Soy sauce
  • Fast foods
  • Tomato sauce

Sometimes medication procedures such as chemotherapy and head and neck radiation can also darken teeth. Not surprisingly high blood pressure can also have affected your dental health such as tooth pain, tooth discolor, etc.

If you currently have any symptoms like this, then you should talk to your dentist in Siliguri and take the necessary precautions.

Your doctor might suggest stain removal toothpaste that might be helpful for you or can apply a gel or a rubber shield to your gums to protect them from bleaching your teeth.


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